sunday 01 sep 07:48
ga1z: hey moon i wanted to know how it was going with your chem exam?

sunday 01 sep 07:56 _bloodmoon_: it's going alright
sunday 01 sep 07:56
ga1z: Thats great to hear dude!

sunday 01 sep 07:57 _bloodmoon_: yeah

sunday 01 sep 08:02 _bloodmoon_: do you want to come over today? i got something i wanna tell you
sunday 01 sep 08:04
ga1z: yeah suhre!
sunday 01 sep 08:04
ga1z: shure* sorry lol

sunday 01 sep 08:05 _bloodmoon_: lol it's alright
wednesday 11 sep 10:11
ga1z: hey uhm are you ok?
wednesday 11 sep 10:12
ga1z: you haven't been to school in some time
wednesday 11 sep 10:22
ga1z: ?

wednesday 11 sep 10:25 _bloodmoon_: yeah im fine
wednesday 11 sep 10:25
ga1z: i've been super worried about you man like with whats been going on with your dad
i thought that you might have...

wednesday 11 sep 10:26 _bloodmoon_: im... fine...